Saturday, August 21, 2004

In the Spirit of Walt Contreras Sheasby

Walt Contreras Sheasby, an outstanding Red/Green activist and theorist, died. His life was tragically cut short by the West Nile virus, the spread of which has been associated with climate change exacerbated by capitalism.

Here is a bibliography of recent works (both theoretical inquiries and occasional polemics) by Walt. My fellow activists -- read them and learn from him, so we can carry on the unfinished work of bringing about a new world free from brutal exploitation, dehumanizing oppression, and uncontrollable destruction of nature:
  • "Third Parties '96: Birds of a Feather..." (Synthesis/Regeneration 10, Spring 1996)

  • "Inverted World: Karl Marx on Estrangement of Nature and Society" (Capitalism Nature Socialism 32.8-4, December 1997)

  • "Handy Hints for Building Your Own Ralph Nader Campaign" (Synthesis/Regeneration 11, Fall 1996)

  • "Refor'Madness" (Progressive Populist, September 1996)

  • "Anti-Prometheus, Post-Marx: The Real and the Myth in Green Theory" (Organization & Environment: International Journal for Ecosocial Research 12.1, March 1999 )

  • "Growing the Red/Green Paradigm: Ecological Socialism in Root and Branch" (Synthesis/Regeneration 22, Spring 2000)

  • "Ralph Nader and the Legacy of Revolt" (Against the Current 15.4 [88], September/October 2000; 15.5 [89], November/December 2000; 15.6 [90], January/February 2001)

  • "Marx at Karlsbad" (Capitalism Nature Socialism 12.3, September 2001, pp. 91-97)

  • "The Enemy of Nature and the Nature of the Enemy" (Capitalism Nature Socialism 13.4, December 2002, available at and

  • "The Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World" (Organization & Environment: International Journal for Ecosocial Research 15.4, December 2002)

  • "George Soros and the Rise of the Neo-centrics" (Citizine, December 2003)

  • "Fascism and the American Polity" (Dissident Voice, January 13, 2004)

  • "J. R. R. Tolkien: Saving the Ecosystems of Middle Earth" (Marxism, March 29, 2004)

  • "Tolkien and Radical Ecology in the Sixties" (Marxism, April 21, 2004)

  • "Democrats Launch Anti-Nader Campaign" (Citizine, May 28, 2004)

  • "Karl Marx and the Victorians' Nature: the Evolution of a Deeper View: Part One: Oceanus" (Capitalism Nature Socialism 15.2, June 2004, pp. 47-64)

  • "Objections to Nader" (The UnRepentantNaderVoter, June 22, 2004)

  • "The Green Divide: Conflict, and No Consensus" (Greens for Nader, July 4, 2004)

  • "How the Greens Chose Kerry over Nader" (The UnRepentantNaderVoter, July 19, 2004)

  • "Karl Marx and the Victorians' Nature: the Evolution of a Deeper View: Part Two: the Age of Aquaria" (Capitalism Nature Socialism 15.3, September 2004, pp. 59-78)

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